Indian Youth Climate Network

Youth4COP – A Call to Action for Climate Justice for Global South

Youth4COP – A Call to Action for Climate Justice for Global South

Celebrating the Spirit of Youth

In a world facing the growing challenges of climate change, hope and resilience often come from the youth. The Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) stands as a symbol of this hope, showing the strength, creativity, and determination of young people across the country. Unlike traditional organizations with strict membership rules, IYCN goes beyond these boundaries, representing all Indian youth who care deeply about the environment and our shared future.

A Movement Without Borders

IYCN is not just an organization; it is a movement. It is the story of every young individual who has ever felt the urge to make a positive impact on the environment. Whether it’s through planting trees, advocating for sustainable policies, or innovating eco-friendly technologies, every effort contributes to the broader mission of IYCN. There is no formal joining the movement. As long as you are a young person passionate about climate action, you are inherently a part of IYCN.


A Home for Newcomers

IYCN has always been a welcoming place for newcomers. It’s a space where young people can learn about climate change, share their ideas, and build lifelong connections. Whether you’re just starting to learn about the environment or have been active for years, IYCN is a home for everyone who wants to make a difference.

Historically Representing Youth Voices

Since its inception in 2007, IYCN has represented the voices of the youth, giving them a platform to speak up and take action. Despite being a volunteer movement, it has passed the test of time and evolved as a network, adapting to the changing context. Over the years, IYCN has consistently amplified youth voices, ensuring they are heard in critical discussions about climate action.

Stories of Change and Inspiration

Across India, countless stories of youth-led climate action show the power of IYCN. Take, for example, a group of college students in Kerala who turned their campus into a zero-waste zone. Their project not only cut down the environmental impact of their school but also inspired other campuses to follow suit. Or think about the young innovators in Bengaluru who created an app to help people track and reduce their carbon footprints, making it easier to make eco-friendly choices every day.

These stories are not isolated incidents; they are the heart of IYCN. They show how young people, driven by passion and creativity, can make significant and lasting impacts. Each success story is a chapter in the larger narrative of IYCN, showing the power of youth to drive change.


Call to Action – 1

As we celebrate these successes, it’s also a call to action for all young people in India. The challenges we face are huge, but so is our potential to overcome them. By getting involved in local environmental projects, advocating for policy changes, or simply making more sustainable choices, each one of us can contribute to the Indian Youth Climate Movement.

Share your stories, inspire others, and keep pushing for change. Together, WE ARE THE SOLUTIONS. Together, we represent the unstoppable force of Indian youth driving the climate movement forward. Feel free to reach out to us at & share your stories of action.

Call to Action 2 – Join Youth4COP

Delegation of the Indian Youth Climate Network at CoP28 insisted on providing youth with negotiations & advocacy skills to enhance youth participation and representation at UNFCCC processes and build a strong Global South Narrative and position for youth from South Asian Countries.

Glad to announce with the support and help of The Climate Reality Project under the Climate Action Network South Asia secretariat and other partners IYCN is able to bring the reflections to life! We are Beyond excited to work on this project!

IYCN invites all young folks from across South Asia interested in Climate and related thematics to join Youth4COP! Let’s celebrate our achievements and keep striving for a greener, more sustainable future. Every effort counts, and together, we can make a world of difference.

Visit YouthForCOP Website here

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